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Agenda - Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



Neurosciences Research Program Annual Meeting

Sala Josep Marull Hospital del Mar (Dr. Aiguader, 80)

El proper dimarts 4 d'octubre tindrà lloc a la Sala Marull la reunió anual del Programa de recerca en Neurociències organitzada per la direcció de l'IMIM i oberta a tothom. L'objectiu de la trobada és que els diferents grups de recerca del Programa presentin les línies de recerca més importants en les que estan treballant així com els principals avenços científics.

La Jornada comptarà a més amb la participació de dos ponents convidats, el Dr. Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Research Centre Director, University of Leicester, UK i el Dr. Antonio Verdejo, Professor (Research) Turner Institute for Brain & Mental Health, Monash University, Australia and National Health and Medical Research Council Leadership Fellow.

Us adjuntem el programa.

Tothom interessat en assistir-hi cal que s'inscrigui en el següent link abans del 30 de setembre.



Neurosciences Research Program Annual Meeting - 4/10/2022

Next Tuesday, October 4th, the annual meeting of the Neuroscience Research Program will be held at Sala Marull. It is an event organized by the IMIM management and open to all professionals. The aim of the meeting is that all research groups can present the most important research lines they are working on as well as to share the main scientific advances.

The meeting will also feature the participation of two invited speakers, Dr. Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Research Center Director at University of Leicester (UK) and Dr. Antonio Verdejo, Professor (Research) Turner Institute for Brain & Mental Health, Monash University, Australia and National Health and Medical Research Council Leadership Fellow.

Please click to see the program. .

Anyone interested in attending must register at the following link before September 30.


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