Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute


15 de gener de 2018

Identification of a novel subset of human NKp46pos Vdelta1 intestinal T lymphocytes playing key roles in gut immune homeostasis and in the physiopathology of colon cancer

Sala Marie Curie (pati interior del PRBB) a les 15:30h

El proper dilluns dia 15 de gener tindrà lloc la sessió organitzada pel Programa de recerca en processos inflamatoris i cardiovasculars de l'IMIM, que porta per títol "Identification of a novel subset of human NKp46pos Vdelta1 intestinal T lymphocytes playing key roles in gut immune homeostasis and in the physiopathology of colon cancer" a càrrec del Dr. Domenico Mavilio, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor of Translational Medicine Department of Medical Biotechnologies and Translational Medicine Medical School of Milan University and Principal Investigator Head, Unit of Clinical and Experimental Immunology Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy.

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