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Agenda anglès - Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



"Regulation of cocaine-seeking..."/“Study of the alterations at the behavioral and neural connectivity..."/“Resolving inhibitory connections in large scale extracellular recordings..."

Sala Marie Curie 10:00h

Us convidem al pròxim seminari de Neurociències de l'Hospital del Mar Research Institute que tindrà lloc el pròxim dilluns 9 de desembre a les 10 h a la Sala Marie Curie. Aquest seminari constarà de tres petites xarrades, en la primera el títol serà "Regulation of cocaine-seeking behaviour by PPAR-gamma in male and female mice" i anirà a càrrec de Veronika Llerena, Behavioral Neurobiology Lab. Department of Medicine and Life Sciences. La següent, es titularà "Study of the alterations at the behavioral and neural connectivity level linked to early cannabis exposure and vulnerability to addiction in mice" i anirà a càrrec de Rafael del Villar, NeuroPhar Lab. Department of Medicine and Life Sciences (UPF) i l'última, portarà el títol de "Resolving inhibitory connections in large scale extracellular recordings by high resolution optogenetics" i anirà a càrrec de Marta Picco, Grup de recerca en laboratori de computació neural. Programa de recerca en neurociències (Hospital del Mar Research Institute).


We invite you to the next Neuroscience seminar at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, which will take place on Monday, December 9 at 10 a.m. in the Marie Curie Room. This seminar will feature three short talks. The first will be titled "Regulation of cocaine-seeking behaviour by PPAR-gamma in male and female mice" and will be presented by Veronika Llerena, Behavioral Neurobiology Lab, Department of Medicine and Life Sciences. The next talk, titled "Study of the alterations at the behavioral and neural connectivity level linked to early cannabis exposure and vulnerability to addiction in mice," will be given by Rafael del Villar, NeuroPhar Lab, Department of Medicine and Life Sciences (UPF). The final talk, titled "Resolving inhibitory connections in large scale extracellular recordings by high resolution optogenetics," will be presented by Marta Picco, Neural Computation Lab, Neuroscience Research Program (Hospital del Mar Research Institute).


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