Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute


19/06/2024 - Institutional news

More than one hundred experts gather in Barcelona to discuss the latest advances in the treatment of onco-hematological diseases.

Anna Bigas, coordinator of the Stem Cells and Cancer Group at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, scientific director of CIBERONC, and deputy director of preclinical research at the Josep Carreras Institute, is part of the organizing committee.

The event featured more than ten national and international speakers and 135 participants.

Last Monday, June 17, the "Hematology in Barcelona, Biology of Disease" conference took place in the Josep Marull Room of Hospital del Mar. The event brought together 135 registered members from the national and international scientific community dedicated to the study of blood biology, with the prominent participation as organizer of Dr. Anna Bigas from the Hospital del Mar Research Institute and the Josep Carreras Institute.

The main objective of the conference was to present and discuss the current state of hematology research to improve treatments for onco-hematological diseases. Topics of great clinical relevance were discussed, such as the characterization of genetic variants with predisposition to bone marrow failure, clinical advances in gene therapy to treat Fanconi anemia, or new treatments for Acute Myeloblastic and Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Myelofibrosis, or Multiple Myeloma.

"Research centers in Barcelona have made a great effort in recent years to incorporate leading scientists working in hematological research to improve the diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases. Events like this consolidate it at an international level," says Dr. Bigas.

Additionally, the use of epigenetic tools to improve the diagnosis and treatment of hematological diseases was highlighted, as well as advances in understanding the biology of blood generation. In total, 7 national speakers and 6 international experts shared their latest knowledge and discoveries.

The event also featured the participation and support of Francesco Ceresoli, head of research at the European Hematology Association (EHA), who highlighted the importance of such events to foster collaboration and progress in this vital field of medicine.

The organizing committee also included M. Carolina Florian and Alessandra Giorgetti from IDIBELL, Albert Català from Sant Joan de Déu, and Manel Esteller from the Josep Carreras Institute, all members of the oncology or rare diseases areas of the Center for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER), which supported the conference.

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