Research Support (Intermediate or higher education cycle related to the area of administration or equivalent qualification.).
- Ref.:
- Institution:
- Researcher/s responsible for the project:
Marta López Otero
- Project title:
Manager of research contracts.
- Research group / Service:
Competitive Funding
- Description:
The selected person will join the Competitive Funding (Management program).
- Task:
Management of research contracts (supplementation, revision, management of signatures and registration in the database).
- Formation:
Intermediate or higher level training cycle related to the area of administration or equivalent qualification.
- Experience:
Experience in contract management or other positions with administrative functions involving the use of document repositories. It will be valued if you have worked in accounting.
- Knowledge:
Necessari coneixements d'anglès.
- Additional information:
We are looking for an orderly and methodical person.
- Contract:
Schedule |
Retribution |
Hire date |
Complete journey |
21402.37 € bruts anuals |
March 2024 |
Aquest procés de selecció ha finalitzat en data .