Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Temporary calls


Research Technician (Master's in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics.).

Researcher/s responsible for the project:
Philippe Mortier
Project title:
Towards Personalized Clinical Management of Suicide Risk through Data-Driven Clinical Decision Support using Transnational Electronic Registry Data. (AC22/00006)
Research group / Service:
Health services research group
The selected person will join the Health services research group (Epidemiology and public health research program).
Project coordination tasks related to registry data management; registry data extraction tasks, registry data quality control tasks, registry data mapping tasks, and registry data harmonization and interoperability tasks; maintenance of a transnational federated data analysis platform to facilitate joint transnational registry data analysis and exchange of results in line with European and national data regulations; development of an analytical workflow for the prediction of adverse outcomes (e.g., suicide) among high-risk participants at the emergency department (data gathering, integration, analysis and visualization of registry data to support the functional interpretation of risk).
Master in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics.
Previous experience with data management and predictive modeling in international projects is appreciated.
General applied data science skills; programming skills (SQL, Python, R); traning in Statistics as well as Unsupervised and Supervised Machine Learning techniques; Data Visualization skills. Good communication, problem-solving skills and the capacity to learn are essential in our team. Knowledge of English (B2 or higher) is required.
Duració determinada vinculat a programes finançats amb fons europeus (PRTR) 12p
Schedule Retribution Hire date
Full time 27846.99 € bruts anuals July 2024

Aquest procés de selecció ha finalitzat en data 27-06-2024.

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