Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



Interval Cancers in the Scottish Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme" impartida per Robert JC Steele

Sala Charles Darwin (pati interior PRBB) a les 15:00 hores

En el marc de les sessions d'Epidemiologia i Salut Pública de l'IMIM, el proper dia 22 d'octubre a les 15:00 h tindrà lloc a la Sala Charles Darwin, la sessió "Interval Cancers in the Scottish Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme” a càrrec del Prof. Robert JC Steele, cap del Departament de Cirurgia de la Universitat de Dundee i Director del Scottish Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme.

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Objective: To study the prevalence and the characteristics of interval cancers arising in the Scottish Bowel Screening Programme, and to compare them with screen-detected cancers and cancers in non-participants arising in the same time period.

Design: Observational study done in the Scottish Bowel Screening Programme, consisting of biennial guaiac faecal occult blood testing (gFOBT) offered as the initial test to all between the ages of 50-74 years. All individuals (772,790) invited to participate in bowel screening in Scotland between 01/01/2007 and 31/05/2009 were studied by linking their screening records with confirmed colorectal cancer records in the Scottish Cancer Registry (SCR). Numbers and characteristics of screen-detected (SC), interval (IC) and non-participant (NPC) cancers were determined.

Results: In the study period, there were 555 SC, 502 IC and 922 NPC. Overall, SC were diagnosed at an earlier stage than IC and NPC, screening preferentially detected cancers in males (as evidenced by the significant gender difference in the proportion of SC and IC), and this was independent of a different cancer site distribution in males and females. Although SC in the colon were less advanced than IC, this was not the case in the rectum.

Conclusión: Colorectal IC account for around half of all cancers diagnosed in the screened population, indicating a test sensitivity of around 50% for gFOBT. It is clear that the sensitivity of gFOBT is less for women than for men: gFOBT screening may not be effective for rectal cancer.

CV breu

El Professor Bob Steele va començar el seu aprenentatge quirúrgic i acadèmica a Edimburg, Hong Kong i Aberdeen i va ser nomenat professor titular de Cirurgia de la Universitat de Nottingham el 1990. Posteriorment, va ser nomenat professor d'Oncologia Quirúrgica a la Universitat de Dundee el 1996, i Professor de Cirurgia i Cap del Departament de Cirurgia de la Universitat en 2003.

El seu interès principal és el càncer colorectal, i és Director del Programa de Cribratge de Càncer Colorectal escocès, havent actuat com a líder clínic per a la demostració pilot al Regne Unit per informar la decisió d'introduir programes nacionals de detecció en tot el Regne Unit.

Ha presidit diversos grups relacionats amb el càncer colorectal i la seva detecció, i també ha presidit el grup SIGN que ha desenvolupat la sèrie de directrius mès recents sobre càncer colorectal. En l'actualitat és membre del Consell del Real Col·legi de Cirurgians d'Edimburg i editor de "The Surgeon".

També presideix la Junta Directiva de la Fundació de Càncer d'Escòcia i és president de l'Associació de Coloproctologia de Gran Bretanya i Irlanda.

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