23/10/2012 - Press release
Intake of foods high in acrylamide during pregnancy is associated with lower birth weight and smaller head circumference. This was revealed in an international study of the diet of 1,100 pregnant women and newborns from Denmark, England, Greece, Norway and Spain in which IMIM has participated.
15/03/2012 - General information
The European project EU contributions to the World Mental Health Survey Initiative (EU-WMH, 2009-2011) coordinated by Jordi Alonso, started with the goal of estimating the frequency, distribution and consequences of mental disorders in Europe, while increasing awareness and strengthening existing public initiatives on mental health in the fields of research and politics.
Més informació "Mental health in Europe: results of the European EU-WMH project"
14/03/2012 - Press release
A study lead by the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) and the Barcelona Public Health Agency (ASPB) has shown that the level of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in blood has dropped significantly in the inhabitants of Barcelona between the years 2002 and 2006. It is the first time that the temporary evolution of the concentration of persistent organic pollutants in humans is studied with a representative sample and using the same method.
20/12/2012 - Press release
A study by the Healthcare Services Research Group at the IMIM has studied the per-patient costs associated with the pandemic influenza virus type H1N1, also called influenza A, from 2009. The study, has centred on the use of healthcare resources and sick leave due to employees’ temporary disability. This influenza affected more than 74 countries and caused some alarm due to its being declared pandemic and because several forecasts placed its financial burden at very high levels.
Més informació "Non-hospital resources, the highest health cost of influenza A"
16/02/2012 - Press release
The study proved that all of parents’ mental disorders are associated with a higher tendency of suicidal ideation among their children, but only generalised anxiety and depression are associated with the actual elaboration of suicide plans and the persistence over time of suicidal ideation, while parents’ antisocial personality and anxiety disorders are associated with children attempting suicide and its persistence over time.
26/10/2011 - Press release
New guidelines which provide an easy to use checklist for the accurate and ethical reporting of studies involving genetic or molecular risk factors for disease have been proposed by a group of international researchers among them Miquel Porta, head of the group of Clinical and molecular epidemiology of cancer at IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute), and are published in this week’s PLoS Medicine
08/09/2011 - Press release
A major landmark study released a few days ago by the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) in which IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) has participated, sheds new light on the state of Europe’s mental and neurological health.
09/03/2011 - Events
Although thousands of people commit suicide worldwide each year, researchers and doctors do not have any method for evaluating a person's likelihood of thinking about or trying to commit suicide. An international group of scientists, in which the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) has participated, has devised the first risk index in order to prevent suicides.
Més informació "First international index developed to predict suicidal behavior"
16/11/2010 - Press release
One of the grants awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) this year was for the BREATHE (BRain dEvelopment and Air polluTion ultrafine particles in scHool ChildrEn) project directed by Dr. Jordi Sunyer, co-director of the Research Centre for Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL) and director of the IMIM Research Programme in Epidemiology and Public Health.
Més informació "Jordi Sunyer has been awarded the Advanced Grant for scientific excellence"
25/10/2010 - Press release
A large collaborative multi-stage study led by the US National Cancer NCI and based on the Spanish Bladder Cancer (SBCS) / EPICURO Study jointly coordinated by Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) and the Centre de Recerca en Epidemiologia Ambiental (CREAL) and IMIM, has identified several new genetic variants associated with bladder cancer risk and validated recently reported variants.
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