19/10/2010 - Press release
Days of absence due to illness are the main source of lost human capital for a country’s economy. A paper led by researchers from the IMIM Health Services Research Group (Hospital del Mar Research Institute), has studied what mental and physical disorders occur most commonly and account for days of absence from the usual daily activity.
Més informació "Diseases considered as mild most affect a country’s productivity"
03/12/2009 - General information
As part of the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD) and the World Mental Health Survey Initiative (WMH project), researchers from the Municipal Institute for Medical Research (IMIM-Hospital del Mar) have participated in a study to establish the prevalence of the major eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder.
30/11/2009 - General information
For the first time, researchers from the Municipal Institute of Medical Research (IMIM-Hospital del Mar) have studied, within the international study setting of ESEMeD, how individuals with mental disorders perceive social rejection and how this affects their well-being and the progress of their illness. Individuals with a mental disorder who feel stigmatised have a lower quality of life and more social and work-related limitations than those with a mental disorder who do not feel stigmatised.
28/09/2009 - Press release
We must stress that every year, 18.000 Spaniards die from COPD, a figure that makes it the top cause of avoidable death in Spain and the only pathology related to smoking that continues to be on the rise. According to the EPISCAN study, the prevalence of COPD in Spain currently extends to 10.2% of the population –nearly one and a half million citizens.
Més informació "Moderate physical activity can help stop the evolution of COPD"
28/08/2009 - Press release
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects almost half of smokers of advanced age. Although clinical manifestations and disease severity vary greatly across patients, treatment is often similar. Through the development of a new risk index for COPD patients, researchers are seeking ways to improve this situation.
11/08/2009 - Press release
Researchers at the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL) and the Municipal Institute of Medical Research (IMIM-Hospital del Mar) have observed that the household use of bleach is associated with a lower sensitivity to allergens, both inside the home (for example, cat allergens) as well as those outside the home (pollen allergens).
08/06/2009 - Press release
A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology that was done by researchers at CREAL-IMIM makes it clear that gas combustion in homes affects the neuropsychological development of children and that this damaging effect is aggravated when there is a specific genetic susceptibility.
Més informació "Contamination in homes can affect children’s cognitive development and behaviour"
8/05/2009 - Press release
The greater the amount of pollution due to suspended particulate matter from traffic in residential areas, the greater the risk of developing asthma. This not only affects children, but also non-smoking adults. This was the conclusion reached by the SAPALDIA cohort study backed by the Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (Swiss National Foundation on Scientific Research) in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL).
11/05/2009 - Press release
Start of international multi-centre study MOBI-KIDS, coordinated by the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), involving research groups in 13 countries investigating a relationship between communication technologies including mobile phones and environmental factors and brain cancer in young people
April, 20th and 21st, 2009 - General information
The first assembly meeting of the European Project HITEA (Health Effects of Indoor Pollutants: Integrating microbial, toxicological and epidemiological approaches), will be held at CREAL. Jordi Sunyer and Jan-Paul Zock lead two of the project work packages. In this meeting, what has been done until now will be presented, and a plan for the future will be drawn.
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