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Agenda - Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



"Resolving the complexity of the human genome: one inversion at a time / T1D susceptibility and beta cell noncoding functions"

Sala Charles Darwin a les 12:00h

Us convidem al pròxim Hospital del Mar Research Institute /MELIS UPF Seminar que tindrà lloc el dijous 24/10/2024 a les 12:00h a la Sala Charles Darwin. El seminari constarà de dues xerrades, una a càrrec de Mario Cáceres, Professor d’investigació ICREA. Coordinador del Grup de recerca  en Genòmica Comparada i Funcional de l’Hospital del Mar Research Institute, amb el títol "Resolving the complexity of the human genome: one inversion at a time" i l'altra a càrrec de Lorenzo Pasquali, Cap del Grup de recerca de genòmia reguladora de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), amb el títol "T1D susceptibility and beta cell noncoding functions".


We invite you to the next Hospital del Mar Research Institute /MELIS UPF Seminar that will take place on Thursday 24/10/2024 at 12:00h in the Charles Darwin Room. The seminar will consist of two talks, one by Mario Cáceres, ICREA Research Professor. Leader of the Comparative and Functional Genomics research group at Hospital del Mar Research Institute with the title "Resolving the complexity of the human genome: one inversion at a time" and the other by Lorenzo Pasquali, Regulatory Genomics Group Leader at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) under the title "T1D susceptibility and beta cell noncoding functions".


Pròxims Hospital del Mar Research Institute /MELIS UPF Seminars.

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