07/10/2010 - Press release
Tomorrow, Friday 8th October, is the last day of the meeting of the Virtual Physiological Human Network of Excellence (VPH NoE)’s second study group. This European Network of Excellence is coordinating a five-year series of activities on the development of the Virtual Human Being, with the aim of generating simulations of multi-scale models which reproduce the way the body works from the molecule to the organ.
Més informació "The Virtual Human Being: simulating how the human body works"
02/06/2010 - Press release
A project executed by the research group on Evolutionary Genomics of GRIB (IMIM -UPF) employed comparison of the human genome with the genomes of other species of vertebrates to verify that the repetitive motifs found in human proteins are important for the good operation of the body and which could correspond to the fraction of the genome called ‘junk’ (with no function).
28/05/2010 - General information
Molecular Discovery Ltd, one of the world leader companies in chemoinformatics and services for the pharmaceutical industry has launched to the market the software Pentacle, developed at the Computer of Assisted Drug Design (CADD) laboratory by Ángel Durán and Manuel Pastor.
16/04/2010 - Events
The International Cancer Genome Consortium, which will study the genomes of more than 25,000 cancer patients, has presented its latest research results in the journal Nature. The chronic lymphocytic leukemia genome project is coordinated in Spain, and the researcher Nuria López-Bigas, head of Biomedical Genomics laboratory of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) participates on the bioinformatics analysis of data and the coordination and management of Consortium data.
Més informació "The chronic lymphocytic leukaemia project reveals the first oncogenic mutations"
15/04/2010 - General information
The Evolutionary Genomics group of GRIB (IMIM- UPF), led by Mar Albà, has published at the journal Genome Research a study that shows, using a comparative genomics approach, that many more amino acid tandem repeats in human proteins than previously suspected are likely to be functional.
01/03/2010 - General information
On 15 February, the international journal Bioinformatics, one of the best in the field of mathematics and computational biology, published an article on a web application developed by the Laboratorio de Quimiogenómica, directed by Jordi Mestres, which is part of the IMIM-UPF Biomedicine IT Research Group (GRIB).
Més informació "iPHACE, Software to Visually Explore Pharmacological Space"
23/02/2010 - General information
The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) funds for 5 years a consortium consisting of 13 European pharmaceutical companies and 12 academic groups and SMEs to develop information technologies-based solutions for improved toxicity prediction of new drug candidates. The academic coordination of the project is in charge of Ferran Sanz, Director of GRIB (IMIM-UPF).
28/01/2010 - General information
IntOgen, an interface designed as an essential tool for cancer research The Biomedical Genomics laboratory of the IMIM and UPF’s Biomedical Informatics Research Group (GRIB in Spanish), led by Núria Lopez-Bigas, has developed an innovative system for analysing and integrating large amounts of cancer genomic data.The results produced by this multidimensional resource, known as IntOGen, can be viewed on the web interface www.intogen.org.
Més informació "IntOgen, an interface designed as an essential tool for cancer research"
15/06/2009 - General information
Jordi Mestres, coordinator of the Chemogenomics Laboratory at IMIM-Hospital del Mar, will be one of the 4 editors of the new magazine Molecular Informatics that will be published by Wiley-VCH publishers starting in January 2010.
Més informació "Jordi Mestres, editor of Molecular Informatics"
02/03/2009 - General information
Last week the first Barcelona School on Biomedical Informatics came to a close with a noteworthy success in attendance and achievement of objectives. It was promoted from the Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics and organised in collaboration with the European projects of the 6th BioBridge and QosCosGrid programme and with the network of excellence of the seventh Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) programme, as well as the Spanish Bioinformatics Institute (INB).
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