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Agenda - Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



Mapping and retraining the craving brain

Virtual, a les 8:30h

Us convidem al proper IMIM Invited external speakers Seminar, que tindrà lloc el dimarts 09/02/2021 a les 08:30 h. El títol serà "Mapping and retraining the craving brain", a càrrec del Dr. Antonio Verdejo-García, BPsych, MPsych, PhD. Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health. Addiction and Mental Health. Program School of Psychological Sciences. Monash University. Australia.


We invite you to the next IMIM Invited external speakers Seminar, which will take place on Tuesday 09/02/2021 at 08:30 h. The title will be "Mapping and retraining the craving brain", by Dr. Antonio Verdejo-García, BPsych, MPsych, PhD. Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health. Addiction and Mental Health. Program School of Psychological Sciences. Monash University. Australia.


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Obesity has been traditionally viewed as a problem of energy regulation, and the research on its brain mechanisms has focused on the hypothalamus. However, increases in food availability and attractiveness, as well as changes in lifestyle, have made evident that extra-hypothalamic brain systems including frontostriatal circuits involved in reward valuation and decision-making are needed to regulate dietary intake and weight. I will present evidence from fMRI activation and connectivity studies showing that striatal, insula and prefrontal cortical systems involved in reward processing, interoception (perception of bodily changes) and food choices are linked to high-calorie food intake and obesity, and can hinder attempts to control weight gain. I will then show how we are using cognitive training tools, co-opted from our addiction work, to help people "push away" alcohol and food related appetitive responses, and make healthier choices.

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