ACTIVE study
Recruitment period: January 2024 - February 2025
Do you want to help improve colon cancer prevention?
We are currently working on a new line of research on the personalization of population-based colorectal cancer screening programs based on risk. This new personalized approach will allow on the one hand, to optimize preventive testing in the lowest risk group, reducing adverse effects, and on the other hand, to intensify prevention in the highest risk cases to improve the detection of cancers and pre-neoplastic lesions in which early treatment has the greatest impact.
Who are we?
We are a group of researchers committed to improving colon cancer prevention, and for this reason, we seek to transfer advances in colon cancer prevention to clinical practice. This project, which is carried out by the Hospital de Mar Research Institute in collaboration with the Hospital Clínico de Barcelona, the Hospital Universitario Vall de Hebrón, the Fundación Gestión Sanitaria del Hospital de la Santa Cruz y Santo Pablo, the Servicio de Evaluación del Servicio Canario de Salud and the AOU Citta della Salute e della Scienza, has received funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and is co-funded by the European Union, code PI20/00009.
What does the study involve?
The main objective of this study is to collect the opinions of people between 50 and 69 years of age on some proposals for improvement in cancer early detection programs. Participation is strictly voluntary and confidential, and consists of one or more interviews with the study investigators. The interview can be individual or group and will take place in a nearby space in your neighborhood on a day and time of your convenience previously agreed with the researchers. This activity will last approximately 90 minutes. All information collected will be processed anonymously.
If you are interested or have any questions:
647 676 623 (Monday to Friday, from 15 to 18h).
Who can participate?
Women and men between 50 and 69 years of age
Without any disease of the large intestine
Responsable del tractament: IMIM Destinataris: Les dades no es cediran a tercers. Drets de les persones interessades: Teniu dret a accedir a les dades facilitades, rectificar-les, cancel·lar-les i a oposar-vos al seu tractament, en les condicions previstes per la legislació vigent.
Dr. Aiguader, 88, 08003 Barcelona
See location on Google Maps
Phone: 93 316 04 00 · Fax: 93 316 04 10