Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Informant's channel

The Informant's channel corresponds to one of the measures the Institution has in place to ensure compliance with its values, ethical principles, transparency and good governance.

The purpose of the Informant's channel is to serve as an instrument for employees, former employees, suppliers and other persons who, confidentially and by means of a simple form, may file complaints or provide information of interest on potentially irregular activities and conduct of which they are aware, or which are contrary to the legislation and the rules that the organization has included in its protocols and codes of conduct.

To channel communications of possible irregularities or breaches that may constitute a violation of regulations, both external and internal, communications may be submitted through this web portal.

If you want to know the procedure once the communication or complaint has been made, the rights of the person reporting and reported, who processes and investigates the complaint and the treatment of your personal data, you can consult the Regulations of the Informant's channel.

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d'Investigacions Mèdiques
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