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Agenda - Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



Optimizing Immunotherapy. New Approaches, Biomarkers, Sequences and Combinations

Hybrid Congress (8:30h - 15:35h)

On April 9 will take place a new edition of "Optimizing Immunotherapy. New Approaches, Biomarkers, Sequences and Combinations" organized by Dr. Joaquim Bellmunt and Dr. Edurne Arriola. Given the circumstances this time format will be hybrid.

In case you need more information please click  https://optimizingimmunotherapy.com/

Registration is already open and it's free.


The program is as follows:

08.30 - 08.55 Registration

08.55 - 09.05 Welcome and Opening. Joaquim Bellmunt - Edurne Arriola

09.05 - 09.20 Keynote Lecture.Mechanisms of Resistance to Immunotherapy. Antoni Ribas

09.20 - 10.40  Table 1. Recent Advances of Immunotherapy in the Clinic. Moderator: Alejo Rodríguez-Vida

09.20 - 09.30  Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC). Ernest Nadal

09.30 - 09.40  Breast. Mafalda Oliveira

09.40 - 09.50  Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Josep Llovet

09.50 - 10.00  Discussion

10.00 - 10.20 New advances in urothelial cancer: Adjuvant and switch maintenance. Begoña P. Valderrama

10.20 - 10.30 New Surrogates for IO in the Neoadjuvant Setting (Major Pathological Response). Mariano Provencio

10.30 - 10.40 Discussion

10.40 - 10.50 Coffee

10.50 - 12.55   Table 2. Biomarkers in Immunotherapy. Moderator: Joan Albanell

10.50 - 11.05  Computational Biology: New Trends to Personalize Immunotherapy of Cancer. Mar Alba

11.05 - 11.20 Integrating AI in the Predicting Algorithms of IO. David Casadevall

11.20 - 11.35 Immune Phenotype (Subpopulations) as Predictors of IO Response. Pedro Simões da Rocha

11.35 - 11.45 Discussion

11.45 - 12.00 Microbiome as Predictor of Benefit and Therapeutic Strategy. Guillem Argilés

12.00 – 12.10 New Clinical Trial Endpoints in IO. Meredith Regan

12.10 - 12.25 The Role of ctDNA in Predicting IO Response/Relapse. Tom Powles

12.25 - 12.40 Epigenomics as Predictors for IO Benefit. Manel Esteller

12.40 - 12.55  Discussion

12.55 - 14.00  Lunch

14.00 - 15.35 Table 3. Futures Perspectives on Immunotherapy. Moderator:  Joaquín Arribas

14.00 - 14.15   Neoantigen Cancer Vaccines. Leticia de Mattos

14.15 - 14.30  Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TIL). Alena Gros

14.30 - 14.45  CAR T-Cells. Anna Bigas

14.45 - 14.55  Discussion

14.55 - 15.10 Combination: Targeted Therapy +IO. Antonio Calles

15.10 - 15.25 Combination: IO + IO. Pedro Berraondo

15.25 - 15.35 Discussion

15.35   Closing Remarks. Joaquim Bellmunt

Meeting Pharma, A/A Asun Torres

Tots els actes

Optimizing Immunotherapy. New Approaches, Biomarkers, Sequences and Combinations

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