17/02/2022 - General information
An IMIM-Hospital del Mar research project aimed at analyzing the mechanisms that generate resistance to immunotherapy treatment in metastatic breast cancer has been selected by the Metastatic Breast Cancer Association in the third edition of this award. The project, headed by doctors Toni Celià-Terrassa and Joan Albanell, will receive 100,000 euros for its development. This afternoon saw the presentation of the III M. Chiara Giorgetti Award for research into metastatic breast cancer. This year it recognises a project from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM-Hospital del Mar), led by doctors Toni Celià-Terrassa and Joan Albanell. The award is promoted by the Metastatic Breast Cancer patients' association and involves a prize of 100,000 euros, 25,000 euros of which are provided by the AMAMA association.
Més informació "M. Chiara Giorgetti Award for a Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute project"
31/01/2022 - General information
Glioblastoma and oral drugs for various types of cancer are among the targets of the projects for the first phase, selected from among more than a hundred proposals, due to their clinical and industrial relevance The project "PARP2: a new therapeutic target in c-myc-driven tumours", headed up by Dr. José Yélamos, coordinator of the Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase research group at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and the Immunology Service at Hospital del Mar, has been selected in the first edition of the Cancer Innova initiative, a consortium comprising the Kaertor Foundation and the Spanish Association Against Cancer in collaboration with the pharmaceutical companies Janssen and Lilly, which is supported by the Galician regional government. On this occasion, 110 proposals from eight countries were submitted, of which just five were selected based on their high clinical and industrial impact.
26/01/2022 - General information
The technique achieves good results in terms of toxicity, the preservation of the physical appearance and patient ratings when used for partial breast irradiation compared to its use in combination with large doses of fractionated whole-breast irradiation. Patients with early-stage breast cancer more positively evaluate treatment with partial intraoperative radiotherapy of the breast than the approach that uses the same technique in combination with whole-breast irradiation divided into large doses. This is highlighted in a study published in the journal Clinical and Translational Oncology, led by the Radiation Oncology Service and the Functional Breast Pathology Unit at Hospital del Mar as well as researchers in the Radiation Oncology Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute.
Més informació "Partial intraoperative radiotherapy in breast cancer, more highly rated by patients"
11/11/2021 - General information
The AECC has awarded 186 grants in 2021, totalling approximately 20 million euros. Two of these will benefit IMIM researchers, Teresa Lobo, who is receiving a postdoctoral grant, and Arnau Sabater, who has been able to participate in the laboratory internship programme. The Spanish Association Against Cancer awarded its 2021 research grants at a ceremony held on 11 November at its headquarters in Barcelona. In total, 186 projects and nearly 20 million euros have been allocated with the aim of continuing progress into cancer research, focusing on the patient and further increasing cancer survival. In this edition, two researchers linked to the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) will benefit from the grants.
Two projects by staff from the Hospital del Mar and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) have been awarded funding by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology as part of its 2021 grants. The awards were presented on 13 October in Madrid and represent a new record for the organisation, with 44 scholarships and grants awarded with an endowment of nearly 1.4 million euros. All the money is earmarked for research and the training of medical professionals to improve the survival and quality of life of cancer patients.
05/11/2021 - General information
A study led by the Colon and Rectal Surgery Unit, part of the Surgery Service at Hospital del Mar, has received two research grants, one from the Catalan Society of Surgery during the inaugural ceremony of the academic year on 15 October; and another from the Spanish Association of Coloproctology, during the organisation's conference, held from 20 to 22 October. The funding goes towards a multicentre project entitled 'Determining proangiogenic proteins in serum as a prognostic factor for recurrence after curative colon cancer surgery', led by Dr. Marta Pascual, head of the Colon and Rectal Surgery Unit, and Dr. Clara Téllez, a resident in the same department, in collaboration with Dr. Xavier Mayol, a researcher in the Cancer Research Programme at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM-Hospital del Mar).
28/07/2021 - General information
On July 19 the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) launched a new science outreach product, "La mare de la ciència", a podcast in Catalan where you can "listen to science" done at the Park. During the second half of July the six episodes that make up the first season will be released. Today, July 28th, the podcast of Toni Celià-Terrassa, group leader of the Cancer Stem Cells and Metastasis Dynamics group at the IMIM, will be launched and will help us to decipher metastasis. This is a narrative podcast in short format, where Marta Vila, from the PRBB's communication department, leads us through the research and stories of six researchers from the Park's centres. A very personal and close look to the science that is done in the PRBB and the people behind it.
Dr Joan Albanell, head of the Medical Oncology Department at Hospital del Mar and director of the Cancer Research Programme at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, is one of the authors of the first article to come out of this study, in which more than sixty hospitals from eleven European countries are taking part. The work, published in the prestigious journal Cancer Discovery, is an important step in understanding the molecular changes that lead to metastasis in breast cancer.
17/05/2021 - General information
The head of the Medical Oncology Service and director of the Cancer Research Programme at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute is one of the most outstanding specialists among Catalan oncologists. The Governance and Economics Coordinates Institute has just published its TOP 100 ranking of the best doctors working in Catalan hospitals, both public and private. Dr. Joan Albanell, head of the Medical Oncology Department at Hospital del Mar, features among the top ten specialists in the oncology section.
12/05/2021 - General information
Montagut has been invited to be part of the group of experts who will draft the European Society of Medical Oncology recommendations on the appropriate use of this technique and its implementation in clinical practice. The head of the Digestive Oncology section in the Medical Oncology Service at Hospital del Mar and researcher at the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), Dr. Clara Montagut, will be a co-author of the ESMO recommendations for the use of liquid biopsy in cancer patients. The project is led by Professor Nicholas Turner, from the Institute of Cancer Research in London. The initiative is one of the tasks of the organisation's Translational Research and Precision Medicine Working Group.
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