Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



Studying neurodevelopmental molecular events in evolution and disease

Virtual, a les 10:00h

Us convidem al proper IMIM Seminar, que tindrà lloc el dimarts 05/10/2021 a les 10:00 h. El títol serà "Studying neurodevelopmental molecular events in evolution and disease', a càrrec del Dr. Gabriel Santpere, cap del grup del Grup de Neurogenòmica del Programa de recerca en Informàtica Biomèdica- GRIB (IMIM/UPF).


We invite you to the next IMIM Seminar, which will take place on Tuesday 05/10/2021 at 10:00 h. The title will be "Studying neurodevelopmental molecular events in evolution and disease', by Dr Gabriel Santpere, Head of Neurogenomics Group of the Programme on Biomedical Informatics-GRIB (IMIM/UPF).


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