Hospital del Mar Research Institute Hospital del Mar Research Institute



“Studying the mechanisms of fetal phenotype acquisition in colorectal cancer cell lines”/“Targeting the DNA damage response: CHD1L inhibition for the treatment of cancer”

Sala Charles Darwin a les 14:00h

Us convidem al pròxim Hospital del Mar Research Institute Seminar organitzat pel programa de càncer que tindrà lloc el dimecres 12/06/2024 a les 14:00h. El seminari constarà de dues xerrades, una a càrrec de Ángela Montoto, investigadora predoctoral, Grup de recerca en mecanismes moleculars del càncer i de les cèl·lules mare (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) amb el títol "Studying the mechanisms of fetal phenotype acquisition in colorectal cancer cell lines" i l'altra a càrrec de Rita Sala, PhD, investigadora postdoctoral, Grup de recerca en mecanismes de la tumorigènesi i progressió tumoral (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) amb el títol "Targeting the DNA damage response: CHD1L inhibition for the treatment of cancer".


We invite you to the next Hospital del Mar Research Institute Seminar organized by the cancer program that will take place on June 12 at 14:00h. The seminar will consist of two talks, one by Ángela Montoto,predoctoral researcher, Research Group on mechanisms of molecular mechanisms of cancer and stem cells. (Hospital del Mar Research Institute), entitled "Studying the mechanisms of fetal phenotype acquisition in colorectal cancer cell lines" and the other by Rita Sala,predoctoral researcher, Research Group on mechanisms of tumorigenesis and tumor progression (Hospital del Mar Research Institute), with the title "Targeting the DNA damage response: CHD1L inhibition for the treatment of cancer".


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