Marull room 14:00h
Us convidem al pròxim seminari del programa de Recerca en Càncer que tindrà lloc el dimecres 05/02/2025 a les 14:00h a la Sala Marull. El seminari anirà a càrrec de Manuel Pera M.D, PhD, FRCSEdin (Hon), FEBS-OG (Hon), Professor de Cirurgia, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Cap Emèrit de la Secció de Cirurgia Gastrointestinal de l'Hospital del Mar. Responsable del Grup de Recerca en Carcinogènesi Gastroesofàgica. Hospital del Mar Research Institute, amb el títol "Increasing quality of care in esophagogastric cancer surgery: The Spanish EURECCA esophagogastric Cancer Registry"
We invite you to the next seminar of the Cancer Research Program, which will take place on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025, at 2:00 PM in the Marull Hall. The seminar will be delivered by Manuel Pera M.D., PhD, FRCSEdin (Hon), FEBS-OG (Hon), Professor of Surgery at Pompeu Fabra University, Emeritus Head of the Gastrointestinal Surgery Section at Hospital del Mar, and Head of the Gastroesophageal Carcinogenesis Research Group at the Hospital del Mar Research Institute. The seminar is titled: "Increasing quality of care in esophagogastric cancer surgery: The Spanish EURECCA Esophagogastric Cancer Registry."
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